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Expatriado - Austrália

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Hi, my name is Roberto Lucena ; I am a businessman with more than 30 years of experience in various sectors where the main one was in the area of ​​Telecommunications, with operations in Brazil and the United States. During my business trajectory, I have always been involved in projects of extreme social relevance, including on a personal level, always focused on fighting hunger.

Today, this social experience motivated me, after 4 years dedicated to training in Clinical Psychoanalysis, to develop a Psychotherapeutic support project within companies and their employees.
Thus, we idealized the Suavemente Institute.

But what is Instituto Suavemente:
Instituto Suavemente was designed to work with companies and their employees in order to provide psychological support to the growing demand for emotional aspects, especially now in this period of the Pandemic. With an online platform, it will be possible to meet any demand that each company may present to us.

The rates of depression, anxiety, anguish are alarming, we see everyday situations faced today with total stress and aggressiveness. Our Platform is made up of experienced professionals with experience and technical skills to meet the needs of each individual.

The project aims to collect amounts from companies so that psychotherapeutic assistance to individuals without financial conditions can be subsidized, which will be previously evaluated by professionals.

Care will be offered in individual modalities, regardless of whether the individual is in a particular company or not. The person registers, from there, their emotional aspects will be interpreted and then directed to the competent professional.

Our group offers professionals for psychotherapeutic care in various areas such as Psychologists, Psychopedagogists and Clinical Psychoanalysts.

In addition to in-person and/or remote clinical care, we will offer meetings, lectures, group dynamics, including topics such as Kaizen, NLP, Personal Coaching, among others.
The INSTITUTO SUAVEMENTE intends to add value, to welcome as many people as possible because we do it with a lot of LOVE and DEDICATION.
Thank you so much

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